This league is a great way to play some competitive matches in a team environment – as well as meeting and socializing with players of other tennis clubs.
Spring League is run by Tennis BC for various clubs across greater Vancouver. The VTA generally enters three teams participate across divisions: B1, B2, C1. The teams play against other clubs each week – you can expect 8-10 matches through a Spring League season.
We play an equal amount of ‘home’ games (at Stanley Park) and away games at other locations and clubs across Vancouver. Teams will usually car pool or arrange transport to away matches.
Starting late March through to mid June each year.
Players must be members of both the VTA and Tennis BC to participate.
Tennis BC full membership is $50.50 or there is a ‘League only’ membership available at $26.25 (in 2025). Your VTA membership is $50 per year.
There is also a fee per session played. This is expected to be $18-20 per session.