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The Ladder is relaunching!

Looking to play more singles tennis? VTA Members, add yourself onto our Singles Ladder.

Participants play within a set group (based on skill level) and challenge others on the ladder to matches. Win/loss results in a given period will determine who moves up and down in the ladder – similar to past Singles Ladder play.

This is more of a self-directed program where you challenge other VTA members to singles matches. It’s a great way to meet new friends and hitting partners and a way to improve your singles game.

Players are responsible for challenging and setting up their own matches. This includes any court bookings, fees and tennis balls.

  • ENTRY COST: $12 – earn your entry fee back!
  • DURATION: February 1 to April 30
  • DIVISIONS: Various divisions / skill levels

Must be a current VTA member to participate (Become a member here).

Register for the Singles Ladder

New for this season of the Tennis Ladder


Use of iTennisLadder will help us manage scores and standings with increased self-serve capabilities for participants. Further details will be provided to those who sign up.

Entry Fee

This year we are introducing a small entry fee of $12 (or, consider it a deposit).

If you play a minimum of three Singles Ladder matches in the season you will receive your entry fee ($12) back as a credit on your VTA account. Members who do not play three matches will forfeit their entry fee.

This change follows feedback from last year where some members signed up for the ladder but did not participate and were non-responsive in arranging matches.

The Singles Ladder is currently being coordinated by our volunteer Vice President. If you have any questions please email:

General Singles Ladder Guidelines

  1. Players are responsible for challenging and coordinate their own matches. This includes any court bookings, fees and tennis balls – any court fees split between players. Communicate and organize shared costs with your opponent directly
  2. Match Format: It is preferred you complete a best 2-out-of-3 set match, using a 10-point tiebreaker in lieu of a full third set. Players can mutually agree upon a different format/length to ensure match completion. If you have a reserved court time, discuss before play begins how you will score a match if it is incomplete at the conclusion of your court booking.
  3. The winner of each match reports the score within 48 hours via the provided website (details shared with registered participants).
  4. Each player should bring an unopened can of balls. One for use for the match. The winner takes the unused can.
  5. Exercise common courtesy by returning phone calls and emails promptly. If you become injured or ill, inform your opponent immediately. If you wish to withdraw from the Singles Ladder, please email:
  6. Have fun!

More general tennis etiquette

View Singles Ladder past results

Spring 2017:

2016 Results:

2015 Results:

2014 Results:

2013 Results:

2012 Results

2011 Results

2010 Results


Session 1

  • Division A : Charles F 19 points
  • Division B : Raytcho A 8 points
  • Division C : Ann D/ Rick P 6 points
  • Division D : Jorge C 15 points

Session 2

  • Division A : Charles F/ Charles P 15 points
  • Division B : Remi M 15 points
  • Division C : Jorge C 15 points
  • Division D : Jeremy Y 18 points
  • Division E : Harry Y 3 points
  • Division F : Richard H 6 points

Session 3

  • Division A : Remi M 12 points
  • Division B : Jorge C 20 points
  • Division C : Andrew L 18 points
  • Division D : Stephen F 12 points

Session 4

  • Division A : Remi M 18 points
  • Division B : Jeremy Y 16 points
  • Division C : Randy C 8 points


Round 1 winners:

  • Division A: Joel Harnest
  • Division B: Chris Mariano
  • Division C: Cameo Nicholas