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Part 1 – Affiliation

  1. The Society is affiliated with the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Association and Tennis BC.

Part 2 – Membership

  1. Membership in the Society is open to any person regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion.
  2. Any person under eighteen (18) years of age must have written parental or legal guardian consent to become a member.
  3. The Society will consider application for membership from any person who:
    1. completes and signs the annual membership registration form;
    2. pays the annual membership registration fee at the time of application; and
    3. agrees to abide by and comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society, and the decisions of the Society’s Executive Committee.
  4. The Executive Committee will charge fees commensurate with the costs of administering the club and its events.
  5. Upon paying the annual membership fee, annual membership lasts for one year from the date a member pays for their membership or from the date their previous membership expires, whichever comes later.
  6. An annual membership registration fee is not refundable to a registrant for any reason and cannot be transferred to another registrant.
  7. An appropriate charge may be made to any member who submits a cheque that is returned by a bank for any reason.
  8. Membership in good standing is a prerequisite for participation in Society events, and a member is in good standing when they have paid their annual membership registration fee and do not owe any funds to the Society.
  9. Members are prohibited from:
    1. using or sharing information provided on any Society membership directory or database for solicitation of business or personal gain; and
    2. distributing or sharing member information to any third party.
  10. Taking into account the purpose of the Society, members participating in Society events are required to behave in a manner that promotes fellowship in an athletic environment, and inappropriate conduct, as determined by the Executive Committee on a case-by-case basis, may result in the suspension or revocation of membership status by the Executive Committee.
  11. A member may be expelled by a special resolution of the membership passed at a General Meeting when:
    1. a notice of special resolution for expulsion is accompanied by a brief statement of reasons for the proposed expulsion; and
    2. the person who is the subject of the proposed resolution is given the opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.

Part 3 – Property of the Society

  1. Any property, be it real, electronic or intellectual, including, but not limited to bank accounts, chequebooks and bank statements, membership lists, tournament and ladder results, official minutes, extra tennis balls, and any other supplies or other property of the Society, must be turned over by the outgoing Executive Committee to the incoming Executive Committee within one month of a Society election.
  2. The Society’s website and web code are the property of the Society.

Part 4 – Executive Committee

  1. The affairs of the Society are to be managed by an Executive Committee which is comprised of the following positions:
    1. President;
    2. Vice President;
    3. Treasurer;
    4. Secretary;
    5. Tournament Director;
    6. Social Director;
    7. Communications Director;
    8. Play Director; and
    9. Past President (non-voting position).
  2. Executive Committee Members must be Society members in good standing who have been elected, for a one year period, to the Executive Committee at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), unless otherwise appointed, in accordance with the process outlined under Elections, and must renew their membership in the Society within 30 days if it lapses during their elected term, or they will be removed as Executive Committee Members.
  3. Executive Committee meetings will be called on a monthly basis by the President or by a majority of the Executive Committee Members, unless a majority of the Executive Committee Members agree to a different frequency of meetings.
  4. A minimum of 5 voting Executive Committee Members are required to conduct business at any Executive Committee meeting.
  5. A majority of Executive Committee Members at any Executive Committee meeting is required to approve any motion.
  6. Executive Committee Members present have one vote each except for the President who has the power to cast a second and deciding vote in the case of a tie.
  7. Executive Committee Members are volunteers and are not entitled to remuneration for their services but must be compensated for expenses incurred while performing the business of the Society up to the amount approved in advance by the Executive Committee.
  8. Standing as an Executive Committee Member can be suspended or revoked for inappropriate conduct which can include, but is not limited to, theft, failure to fulfill financial obligations, defamation, conflict of interest, dereliction of duty or another just cause as determined by the Executive Committee.
  9. Members may, by special resolution at a General Meeting, remove an Executive Committee Member before the end of their term of office when:
    1. a notice of special resolution for termination from the Executive Committee is accompanied by a brief statement of reasons for the proposed termination; and
    2. the person who is the subject of the proposed termination is given the opportunity to be heard at the General Meeting before the special resolution is put to a vote.
  10. When a position on the Executive Committee becomes vacant because of a resignation or removal of an Executive Committee Member or otherwise, the Executive Committee Members may appoint a member in good standing to the position or may leave the position vacant until the next election.
  11. In the event that the position of President becomes vacant, the Vice President will assume the Presidency until such time as a new President is elected.
  12. All Executive Committee Meetings will be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order, except where specifically modified in this Constitution.

Part 5 – Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee Members

  1. The duties and responsibilities of the President are to:
    1. supervise the business and affairs of the Society;
    2. be an official club representative;
    3. be the only Society member with the power to cast a second and deciding vote;
    4. provide leadership for the Society to meet all immediate and long-term objectives;
    5. have signing authority for club bank accounts;
    6. be responsible for the Society’s inbox;
    7. annually prepare a President’s Report for presentation at the AGM;
    8. annually prepare a Final Report for submission to the Registrar; and
    9. direct the preparation of regular updates to Society members.
  2. The duties and responsibilities of the Vice President are to:
    1. assist the President with the business and affairs of the Society;
    2. be an official club representative in place of the President in the case where the President is unavailable;
    3. act in place of the President if the President cannot act and assume the presidency if necessary;
    4. provide background information to the President on issues;
    5. provide leadership for the Society to meet all immediate and long-term objectives;
    6. be responsible for the Society’s mailbox;
    7. have signing authority for club bank accounts; and
    8. liaise with NorthWest Cup, West Coast Cup, and Pacific Cup team captains and the VIP Tournament Director, other clubs in the GLTA, and Tennis BC for items related to Tennis BC leagues.
  3. The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer are to:
    1. handle monetary transactions for the Society including the collection of annual membership registration fees and other fees charged by the Society over the course of the year;
    2. keep accurate and up-to-date records of all moneys received and disbursed by the Society;
    3. provide summaries and reports as appropriate to the Executive Committee at every Executive Committee meeting;
    4. issue receipts for funds received as requested;
    5. have signing authority for club bank accounts; and
    6. annually prepare a Treasurer’s Report including a complete financial statement for presentation at the AGM.
  4. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary are to:
    1. inform all Executive Committee Members of the time, location and agenda of all Executive Committee Meetings at least five (5) days in advance of such meetings;
    2. inform all members of the Society of the time, location and agenda of an AGM at least 3 weeks prior to the AGM.;
    3. take and distribute minutes of all Executive Committee Meetings and AGMs;
    4. maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of the Society, including maintenance of attendance records at all Executive Committee Meetings, AGMs and General Meetings;
    5. be responsible for Society files and records and the upkeep thereof;
    6. maintain and provide an up to date Society Membership List to the Executive Committee Members on a monthly basis;
    7. be responsible for the Society’s mailbox; and
    8. solicit and maintain a list of volunteers.
  5. The duties and responsibilities of the Tournament Director are to:
    1. organize and hold all closed club tournaments (including court bookings, promotions, seedings, supplies, etc.); and
    2. provide financial statements to Executive Committee Members regarding club tournaments.
  6. The duties and responsibilities of the Social Director are to:
    1. organize social events including Registration Night and the AGM; and
    2. provide financial statements to the Executive Committee on the social events organized.
  7. The duties and responsibilities of the Communication Director are to:
    1. maintain the Society website, and social media presence;
    2. prepare and disseminate information and electronic updates to all Society Members at the direction of the President;
    3. prepare and disseminate information to interested individuals or organizations about the Society; and
    4. promote the Society and recruit new members at the direction of the Executive Committee.
  8. The duties and responsibilities of the Play Director are to:
    1. organize doubles play sessions;
    2. recruit and work with the Doubles Session Coordinators to run the play sessions in a standardized manner;
    3. organize and oversee the Singles Ladder;
    4. organize and oversee the Team Tennis program;
    5. organize and oversee the collection of court fees and ensure their transfer to the Treasurer; and
    6. notify the Executive Committee Members of any issues or concerns that arise during the play sessions.
  9. The duty and responsibility of the Past President is to be an honorary, non-elected and non-voting member of the Executive Committee who provides year-to-year continuity and advice; but in years where the President is the same as the previous year’s President, a Past President will not be part of the Executive Committee.

Part 6 – Annual General Meetings and General Meetings

  1. An AGM is to be held once annually on a date to be determined by the Executive Committee.
  2. Information regarding the AGM is to be communicated to members electronically, through email and on the Society website, not less than three (3) weeks in advance of the event.
  3. The AGM will follow an order of business that includes:
    1. Welcome and review of order of business;
    2. Adoption of Minutes of the previous AGM or General Meeting;
    3. President’s Report;
    4. Treasurer’s Report;
    5. Reports of other Executive Committee Members as necessary;
    6. Consideration of the Constitution and Bylaws or review of proposed amendments as necessary;
    7. Election of Executive Committee Members;
    8. General Business;
    9. Comments by the new President; and
    10. Adjournment.
  4. While the Executive Committee makes best efforts to communicate and keep Members up to date electronically through emails or the Society website, the Executive Committee can organize a General Meeting with the membership, notice of which:
    1. must be sent to Members electronically no less than two weeks before the event; and
    2. must explain the purpose of the general meeting.
  5. The Executive Committee on the requisition of ten percent (10%) or more of the membership must convene a General Meeting.
  6. At all General Meetings, the presence of at least fifteen percent (15%) of the membership constitutes a quorum.
  7. Each member in good standing present at a General Meeting is entitled to one (1) vote.
  8. With the exception of Elections, all voting of the Society will be by show of hands unless otherwise decided by motion.
  9. All General Meetings are to be conducted by Roberts Rules of Order, except where specifically modified in the Society’s Bylaws.

Part 7 – Elections

  1. Only members in good standing can be elected to the Executive Committee.
  2. The election process is to be managed by a designate selected by the Executive Committee who is not an Executive Committee Member.
  3. A call for expressions of interest in seeking election to the Executive Committee, including a description of the duties and responsibilities of each position on the Executive Committee, will be sent to members electronically and will be posted on the website.
  4. Members interested in running for a position on the Executive Committee must express their interest in running no later than one week before the AGM.
  5. Voting will be by secret ballot and the ballots will be destroyed after the election.
  6. Every member in good standing at the AGM is entitled to complete one ballot, including Executive Committee Members.
  7. Where more than one person is running for an Executive Committee position, the candidate receiving the most votes cast will be elected.
  8. If there is a tie, there will be a revote pursuant to a process to be decided by the designate responsible for managing the election process.
  9. Where only one candidate is running for an Executive Committee position, that candidate will be deemed elected into the position.
  10. If there is no nominee for an Executive Committee position or if a position becomes vacant during the course of the year, the newly elected Executive Committee Members will appoint a suitable candidate or can choose to leave the position vacant.
  11. Election results are to be posted on the Society’s website within one (1) month of the AGM.

Part 8 – Finances

  1. The President, Vice President and the Treasurer each have signing authority for the issuance of cheques, and are the only members who may remove funds from the Society’s financial accounts.
  2. All cheques from the Society require the signature of any two of the three Executive Committee Members with signing authority.
  3. Contracts entered into by the Society must be signed by any two of the three Executive Committee Members with signing authority in accordance with a motion passed by the Executive Committee, and such contracts so signed will be binding upon the Society.
  4. Financial Statements for the year (to Aug 31) will be completed and presented to the membership at the AGM.
  5. The Executive Committee will not have borrowing powers unless approved by:
    1. the majority of the membership present at an Annual General Meeting; or
    2. the majority of the membership present at a General Meeting.

Part 9 – Dissolution of the Society

  1. The Society may only be dissolved by a majority of members present at an AGM or at a General Meeting.
  2. The Society can only be dissolved once all accounts payable have been paid in full.
  3. Should a majority of members vote to dissolve the Society, they must identify the organization that is to receive any remaining funds in the Society’s account after all accounts payable have been settled.
  4. No Society member is to benefit financially from the dissolution of the Society.

Part 10 – Amendments to the Bylaws of the Society

  1. An amendment to a Society Bylaw may be proposed and voted on at an AGM or at a General Meeting.
  2. In order to take effect, a proposed amendment must be:
    1. a. publicized at least two (2) weeks prior to an AGM or a General Meeting; and
    2. b. approved by at least seventy five percent (75%) of members in good standing who are present at an AGM or a General Meeting.